
Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Beauty and the beast


T-  Beauty and the beast
O- Once upon a time there was a beautiful woman and she met a hairy ugly beast but she loved  him
P- She loved the beast which was not human
E- She meets a handsome Prince, Somebody turns him into a hariy ugly beast, She had to convince the beast that he was worth loving,
they lived happly ever after.
S- He had  to be kissed to break the spell on the beast

Coda- start, end
It is not all about appearence.

World war 2

World war 2
Mote cassino - 1944 17 june
Battle of brittian - 1940 10 july
invasion of france -1940 10 may
invasion of begium - 1940 may
pearl harbour - 1941 7 december
u.s.a. declares war - 1941 11 december
japan declares war - 1941 8 december
n.z. declares war - 1939 5 september
battle for crete - 1941 20 may
ve day - 1945 8 may
vs day - 1945 5 augest

Friday, 22 February 2013

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Bug me

LI - How to use your WITS

A kid keeps making a joke about your name.  What can you do or say?

  1. Ignore the person because he might get jokes about his name.
  2. Stand up for myself  because I do not like my name be made fun of because it is a cultural name.
  3. Tell someone because I would not want him or her to say jokes about my name so I would tell  a teacher.

Monday, 18 February 2013

My friendship peom

Friendship feels like a bunch of roses in my hands.
Friendship sounds like bees buzzing in the sky.
Friendship looks like two kids having fun at the park after school.
Friendship tastes like chocolate doughnuts, when we go to the shops in the holidays.
Friendship smells like a caramel ice cream on a hot sunny day when I go to my friend’s house.