
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Holiday reading report

Holiday reading report.

In the holidays year seven and eight students at Panmure Bridge school, had to read three novels to improve their reading. They could read anywhere but at school.

In the holidays I didn’t read a book because I had to do chores it was very sore and hard.What I would have read was Captain Underpants and I would have dressed up as him, I would have drawn him but it would have been hard.

My other book that I would have read was The Last Thirteen and it is all about a boy named Sam and when he clicked his fingers everybody dies. He thought it was a nightmare and it was his terrifying reality. He gets kidnapped from school finding out his parents aren’t how he thinks they are. Nothing will ever be the same, again. For the activity that I would have done the dress up as Sam and just worn random clothes.

In the next holidays I would read a book because I need to, and I want to get really better at reading and become top in my classroom and make my parents proud.


Monday, 19 May 2014


This is what I scored for my Their,There,They're.

Monday, 12 May 2014


Biodegradable ?

If something is biodegradable it will break down into the earth.

These things take 1 year to break down

- Plywood
- Woolen socks
- cigarette butts

These things take 5 years to break down

- Milk cartons
- Egg trays
- Leather shoes

Non Biodegradable things do not break down
these ten things are not biodegradable and should be recycled

- Rubber
- Glass
- Tires
- Aluminium
- Nappies

- Steal

Xtra math

This is my xtra math and I only got two wrong.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Environment poster



How to Reduce?
Reduce make less.  For example have less packaging in what we buy.  Like you have naked food or food thats in a paper bag. We can reduce it by bring a lunchbox to school.

How to Recycle?
We could recycle by not littering and making the world tidier.
Recycling garden products and planting trees can help improve the environment in your back garden.

Rendered ImageRendered Image

Thursday, 8 May 2014

That was summer?

That was Summer

L.I. Language features - Interesting vocabulary
Parts of speech - Verbs

Have you ever smelled summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when you were tired of running
or doing nothing much
and you were hot
and you flopped right down on the ground?
Remember how the warm sun smelled
and the grass?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when you were trying to climb
higher in the tree
and you didn’t know how
and your foot was hurting in the fork
but you were holding tightly to the branch?
Remember how the bank smelled then
- all dusty dry, but nice?
That was summer.

Remember that time
when the storm blew up quick
and you stood under a ledge
and watched the rain until it stopped
and when it stopped
you walked out again to the sidewalk?
Remember how the pavement smelled
- all steamy and wet?
That was summer.

If you try very hard
can you remember that time
when you played outside all day
and you came home for dinner
and had to take a bath right away,
right away?
It took you a long time to pull
your shirt over your head.
Do you remember smelling the sunshine?
That was summer.

Marci Ridlon

Please highlight the interesting vocabulary yellow and the verbs blue.
List 5 things you did this summer and add a sense to them.

Went to the movies
tasted food
Played soccer
felt tired
Went to the pools
touched water
Went to westfield
heard music
heard  nosies off the game

Have you ever tasted summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when we went to the movies and ate food
and after that played some games
and we scored a lot of tickets
and got a basketball?
Remember when I was so happy?
That was summer.

Have you ever felt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember that time when we played
soccer with some kids and we won
because they had no skills
and I tripped your dad over?
Remember how he laughed?
That was summer.

Have you ever touched summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when we went to the pools
and had a swim and splashed each other?
Remember when I met my friends
and I wanted to stay, but I couldn’t?
That was summer.

Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when we went to Westfield
and you brought some clothes
and I was going to but I saved my money for the movies?
Remember when I was so happy to go to the movies ?
That was summer.

Have you ever heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when we played Call of Duty- ghosts
and I came first and remember when we played Dead Rising 3
the demo and the game finished?
Remember when I really liked the game?
That was summer.


Monday, 5 May 2014

xtra math

this is my xtra math I didn't concentrate.

Algebra comment

Today we played the Algebra game to play you use substation to answer the question.
It was hard because I don't learn my maths.